The sun may set, but do stay inspired.
You know the feeling when everything just seems to be pointing towards one direction, as if the cosmos wouldn't want anything other than what it wants, to happen? I'm in the middle of that sort of vortex right now as, it seems to me, every road leads to an adventure.
It is no secret that I have always wanted to go to Sagada. I believe it was when I read from Yummy or Foodie magazine that there's this completely indulging buffet from a French chef when I started telling myself, "You're going to Sagada. You're going to Sagada."
But being the sort-of-sheltered child that I am, I have never been able to bring myself to put such mantra into action. It's been approximately four years down the road and I have never even lifted a finger just to be closer up the mountains.
However, this year, I'd love to make a difference. I have never felt something THIS strong. I'm reading Eat Pray Love right now and I can completely relate to the character. As she seems to be attracted to the three I's, I am deeply pulled closer by the uphill terrain of Sagada. A friend of mine said, "Go to Sagada. It's a magical place." Now that I feel like the world has been wonderfully kind to me, I am ready for magic. It may take time, but this act is not going to be a flop.
Just last night, May 14, 2010, I was with Elaine Tan at the launch of the "artsy-fied" Mendoza travel bags. It was an art opening in cooperation with none other than depth-defying art magazine Flow. The little exhibit named "Inspirations" which features Mendoza travel bags reconstructed to represent different jetsetting personalities, is located at the ground floor, Greenbelt 5 lobby, right in front Promod. It would run until May 20, Thursday, so do take time and check it out. The week-long exhibit aims to espouse a life filled with travel adventure. It is juxtaposed to how art could, like no other, forever preserve the individualistic spirit and self expression of different individuals. "Mendoza is a work of art", as the exhibit leaves a strong recall.
Giddy to answer, Kirsten Lim of Mendoza bags related how art--an entirely separate "world", is similar to what Mendoza bags wish to represent. "We would like to stand out among other travel bags out there because as you can see with our designs, each bag is distinct, with it's own story and flavor," she said.
Ian Belleza of Flow magazine reiterated Ms. Lim's point. "Currently there's been a boom especially with the up and coming artists as more and more of our young artists get featured and recognition both locally and internationally. When Mendoza bags asked us to curate for them, it was but a perfect partnership as evidently reflected with the pieces," he said.
I don't know about you, but if being invited to a launch of a unique line of travel bags isn't sign enough that I SHOULD PACK MY WHAT-HAVE-ME'S AND HEAD OFF THE ROAD, I don't know what is. To add up, I also saw my jetsetting girlfriend Anna Hyde who I fondly refer to as Ms. Hollywood, after the longest time of not having the slightest glimpse of each other. (Photo of my Summer '09 muse below)

Anyway, enough said, here are some interesting photos of the Mendoza travel cases.

This is the kind of "luggage" I would love to take home after my Sagada trip. I already have a plan. I'm really REALLY going to save up for Sagada. Make or break, I MUST GROW OLD ON TOP OF THE WORLD. I have whuutt, five months. With a day job, freelance writing, blogging, public relations, exciting PROJECTS, family bonding, book reading, bucket listing and love life booming, five months is JUST ENOUGH for me to prepare the resources, energy and time to be northbound come fabulous birthday month, October.

I like this particular bag because it reminds me of X-Men. haha! Or of the Bat-mobile turned J-pop. Plus I really enjoyed the little drama it carried. Take a look at the picture below.

Can you guess what that little detail is?

A baby--well a teeny-tiny plastic majorly underdeveloped fetus. Nice right? :) Below is a more justified photo of the J-pop Bat-mobile suitcase which I would now refer to in my memory as Jay. Hi Jay. :)

Who's been to Sagada? Stories please?
Take me away to a place I've never been.
It is no secret that I have always wanted to go to Sagada. I believe it was when I read from Yummy or Foodie magazine that there's this completely indulging buffet from a French chef when I started telling myself, "You're going to Sagada. You're going to Sagada."
But being the sort-of-sheltered child that I am, I have never been able to bring myself to put such mantra into action. It's been approximately four years down the road and I have never even lifted a finger just to be closer up the mountains.
However, this year, I'd love to make a difference. I have never felt something THIS strong. I'm reading Eat Pray Love right now and I can completely relate to the character. As she seems to be attracted to the three I's, I am deeply pulled closer by the uphill terrain of Sagada. A friend of mine said, "Go to Sagada. It's a magical place." Now that I feel like the world has been wonderfully kind to me, I am ready for magic. It may take time, but this act is not going to be a flop.
Just last night, May 14, 2010, I was with Elaine Tan at the launch of the "artsy-fied" Mendoza travel bags. It was an art opening in cooperation with none other than depth-defying art magazine Flow. The little exhibit named "Inspirations" which features Mendoza travel bags reconstructed to represent different jetsetting personalities, is located at the ground floor, Greenbelt 5 lobby, right in front Promod. It would run until May 20, Thursday, so do take time and check it out. The week-long exhibit aims to espouse a life filled with travel adventure. It is juxtaposed to how art could, like no other, forever preserve the individualistic spirit and self expression of different individuals. "Mendoza is a work of art", as the exhibit leaves a strong recall.
Giddy to answer, Kirsten Lim of Mendoza bags related how art--an entirely separate "world", is similar to what Mendoza bags wish to represent. "We would like to stand out among other travel bags out there because as you can see with our designs, each bag is distinct, with it's own story and flavor," she said.
Ian Belleza of Flow magazine reiterated Ms. Lim's point. "Currently there's been a boom especially with the up and coming artists as more and more of our young artists get featured and recognition both locally and internationally. When Mendoza bags asked us to curate for them, it was but a perfect partnership as evidently reflected with the pieces," he said.
I don't know about you, but if being invited to a launch of a unique line of travel bags isn't sign enough that I SHOULD PACK MY WHAT-HAVE-ME'S AND HEAD OFF THE ROAD, I don't know what is. To add up, I also saw my jetsetting girlfriend Anna Hyde who I fondly refer to as Ms. Hollywood, after the longest time of not having the slightest glimpse of each other. (Photo of my Summer '09 muse below)
Anyway, enough said, here are some interesting photos of the Mendoza travel cases.

This is the kind of "luggage" I would love to take home after my Sagada trip. I already have a plan. I'm really REALLY going to save up for Sagada. Make or break, I MUST GROW OLD ON TOP OF THE WORLD. I have whuutt, five months. With a day job, freelance writing, blogging, public relations, exciting PROJECTS, family bonding, book reading, bucket listing and love life booming, five months is JUST ENOUGH for me to prepare the resources, energy and time to be northbound come fabulous birthday month, October.

I like this particular bag because it reminds me of X-Men. haha! Or of the Bat-mobile turned J-pop. Plus I really enjoyed the little drama it carried. Take a look at the picture below.

Can you guess what that little detail is?

A baby--well a teeny-tiny plastic majorly underdeveloped fetus. Nice right? :) Below is a more justified photo of the J-pop Bat-mobile suitcase which I would now refer to in my memory as Jay. Hi Jay. :)

Who's been to Sagada? Stories please?
Take me away to a place I've never been.
Been to Sagada and dying to go back :) Spelunking was just awesome. And people there are waaaaay beyond nice. We went there about two Christmases ago. It was so cold. The air is so fresh that it smells different :) Go kumi, if you need someone to go with, text me :D