Beautiful welcoming sunshine right there. |
Tree house ♥ |
Kubo-kubo that made me miss you, A. |
Flowers |
Pretty walk down the aisle type.. |
The real aisle. Weddings can definitely be held here. I can imagine how wonderful that would be especially once the place has been fully developed. |
Showcasing the beautiful things about the Philippines. |
Some people feel the need to leave the Philippines to travel. I don't wonder why I don't. |
Matt, talking about how GK Enchanted Farm was, is and will be. |
If other parts of the world can take pride in the Philippines, I don't see why Filipinos shouldn't. |
I wasn't able to listen to a lot of Matt's sharings but the vision is pretty solid, and in a few months, would definitely be more concrete as Enchanted Farm develops. |
I ended up "manning" the tindahan for a while because ate had to get the kesong puti pa. |
I just love the Philippines. |
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Ang ganda. Is this open to the public, Miss Kumi?