BOOKREVIEW#61 Room by Emma Donoghue

When I bought a copy of Room by Emma Donoghue , I was expecting my usual guilty pleasure dose of shallow light young adult reading. Little did I know, Room would be exceptional. Room is a wallflower amongst the many grander Young Adult covers but it is the type of copy that will draw you closer to the shelf--and closer to what really matters, as I found out sooner than later.
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If you're the type who wants to experience an unnerving innocence against a beastly background, you will never be able to put down Room upon immersing yourself between its quick-to-unravel magic. Room is about how 5-yr-old Jack and his Ma lived in this Room which is their world and their prison at the same time. It's about how they found their great escape--and how upon exploring the Outdoors, they both realize how important the home is.

Hands down, Room is the easiest yet most worthwhile read I've encountered recently. It really changed the way I see the world and how I wish for the gift of clarity, maturity, kindness and of course, strength. It left me feeling the importance of facing ones fear, especially for the ones we love. Sometimes, we do have to swallow our selfish ideas and to trust other people's judgments because fear limits our imagination. Resignation to normalcy is a slow inevitable death. Worse, it's a form of self-infliction we will never ever be able to really see. Reading Room was a pleasure I will definitely wish each and everyone will indulge on.

Jack, a precious fictional little 5-yr-old boy taught me how helplessness ends the moment we believe we can do something about it.

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  1. Wow I want to read Room now! It sounds really interesting!

    I really like your blog, hope you will visit mine too and let me know if you wanna follow each other! x

    Fashion Burger

    1. Thank you for the kind words. :D and yes please do read Room! totally worth it!

  2. Interesting read! I'll look for this when I visit the bookstore again. :)


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